"Between The Earth & The Sky", is a set of six A3 paintings and the painting of the walls of my exhibition's space.
Done during my residency at the Pier-2 Art Center in Kaoshiung, Taiwan.
Acrylic painting, pen, marker pen, pencil and collage on A3 canvas.

The final exhibition space of my project "Between The Earth & The Sky".
The final exhibition space of my project "Between The Earth & The Sky".
"Un Voyage Immobile", A3 size.
"Diving Into The Mystery Of My Mind", A3 size.
"The Spirit Of The Rain", A3 size.
"Les Portes Du Cosmos", A3 size.
"A Conversation With The Cosmos's Mind", A3 size.
"Thunder In Your Head", A3 size.
Presentation of my project during the opening of the exhibition.
Opening day, Saturday 26th of August 2017.
Opening day, Saturday 26th of August 2017.
All the artists together (except Nearski).
All the artists together (except Nearski).
Wall painting WIP.
One view of Kaohsiung City from the hill.
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